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Artist Mentorship: 'Road Recovery' Kids at East Village Private Studio

May 2024, Storm housed a Master Trax session at the private East Village studio with youth from the Road Recovery program. She led a tour of the studio and gallery space, speaking about her journey and process. The guests shared their current creative passions and projects in collaborative spirit, sparking conversations on growth and art business. With Storm's past history of working with the NYC Girl Scouts, mentorship and classes at the studio have been a consistent in past years.

From the inspiration of Storm's friend, Jimmy Webb, she started her association with Road Recovery back in 2020. A fundraiser was created with local punk band, Bad Vacation, in Webb's honor after his passing. Storm used the band's tee shirts as canvases to raise funds for the foundation. Jimmy Webb was highly involved with Road Recovery, and he was a large supporter of Storm Ritter Studio. Creatives support over creatives, and in turn, giving back is always the way of the studio.


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