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2014 - 2019
Storm Ritter Studio
With the artist's roots in theatrical design, she has been working since 2014 on her style, technique and brand. Located at the West Village Home Studio before opening Storm Ritter Studio, the first collection of artwork and design was launched. Studio Art includes all canvas work, textile design paintings, printed apparel illustrations and interior murals at the storefront.
Painting Process
Archiving the painting production is a priority for the artist, photographing detail moments during the creation process. Expressionistic and surrealist work became the foundation for the original apparel.
The painting videos include studies and design work used as the foundation for the textile garments at Storm Ritter Studio. Additional videos showcase the art production for product inventory and interior decor at the storefront and West Village Home Studio.

Studio Interior Walls
View the photo archive of murals inside the two-story storefront of Storm Ritter Studio. The ceiling to floor was initally painted before opening in full a technicolor, surrealistic style. As the shop evolved, the artist continued to evolve the murals on the walls and floors, cohering the themes of the apparel and fine art collections with the space.

2014 - 2019