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Face Masks

Spring 2020 - Fall 2021

Since March 2020, over 2000 face masks were donated, sold, shipped, and delivered from Storm's home studio. She collected all of the original fabric yardage and worked with her seamstress Jenny Lin, to manufacture unique, double-sided masks in bulk. Sending cars back and forth, masks were made and organized for delivery.  Storm packed and shipped masks daily from March to August straight to essential workers of all positions, people in need, and to purchasing/donating customers. 


Masks were safely delivered to medical centers, hospital staff, community outreach groups, veterinarians, public service workers, grocery store employees, food/service laborers, postal heroes, teams of nurses, elderly neighbors, rest home caretakers, firefighters, low-income individuals, etc. The money produced went right back into the labor and project costs, as well as donated to charities. 

Reversible Face Masks

All masks were made with original and sourced textiles, using all fabric at her home studio. Reversible masks accommodated the fabric and elastic shortage not as available at that time, but aesthetically worked. Through social media, Storm was able to connect with hundreds of people who needed PPE or had a loved one who could use a thank you.

Care Packages & T-Shirt

The Heroes Rock T-Shirts were specifically designed for our essential workers for donation and fundraising. Care packages including fabric masks, sourced medical masks, bandanas, & heroes rock t-shirts. The sales online went towards monetary donations and care packages to the New York Cares COVID-19 Relief Program and Black Lives Matters Global Network.  

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New York City
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All Rights Reserved. Storm Ritter, Inc., Est. 2014 NYC. 

Last Updated January 2024. Website Founded March 2020.

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